The Nerdery: s02e18: On delayed blog posts (sorry)
Time flies when you're having fun. That's why I've spent most of the holidays either being unproductive or working, both of which are very fun for me. And yet, it's now one (1) week out from uni, and I've once again completely forgotten that I have a Nerdery to write. Fortunately, at the last Nexii contributor meeting, I was smart enough after getting smashed to try looking though archives so I could come back with a wizz-bang story on the history of waiKato nerds. Unfortunately, this isn't that article. That article is next week's article. Instead, this article is a witty collection of random ideas in the hopes that people out there (that's YOU) can help me resolve them.
Why is it that the big recycling bins on campus take glass and aluminum cans, BUT NOT PLASTIC?!?!? I dare say that drinking fizzy, sugary, oh-so-caffeinated beverages is more popular on campus than beer (I could be wrong). The lack of plastic recycling is especially upsetting for us in the Interaction Design Lab (the dungeon-esque one), who combined consume a few bottles of black liquid per week. Anyone on the environment council thingy know why this is the case? Also, why are there no recycling facilities in Bongo? The garbage bins overflow with sushi containers and plastic bottles, why is this all going to the tip?
Why is it that the Clarence st Pak n Save doesn't stock Cadbury Three Wishes chocolate and Bluebird Sweet Thai Chili chips anymore? While I highly doubt Pak n Save management types read Nerdery, if anyone out there knows how to complain and get these in stock it would be much appreciated. I'm tired of going out of my way to seek these items out elsewhere. Oh, and stop making the Croissants randomly disappear!
And before I forget; waiKato needs another Imagine Cup team for next year to carry the torch of excellence we seem to always wave here in the computer science department. In 2007 the waiKato team came 1st in NZ and won a trip to Seoul, Korea to compete in the world finals, and this year we came 3rd (although it's fine to say fuck in Nexus, I don't think my thoughts on the winners of this year's competition would be suitable for this column). Ryan Tarak from Microsoft and I are to give an information session to anyone who wants to be involved, at the time of writing this is to be Tuesday September 13th @ 14:00, but this may change. For updated information, visit my site; (you're here) or look out for the posters that I'm supposed to be putting up.